Friday, December 26, 2014

Date Change

So Thad's business department Christmas party happened and it was interesting to see the space with people in it. I was a little concerned about what sound would be like in the space because the floor isn't carpet. But I don't think that it was too bad. They had set up about 14 tables and then some food tables in the middle. I felt like adding more tables than they had would be really do-able without too much hassle.

I think that the party just made us like the space more because we were able to kind of see what it could be. We both liked it and decided that if possible this is the place that we want to use.

So with that in mind we tried again to find a day that would work for both sets of parents to see it, which didn't really work out. So in the interest of getting it reserved for our December 5th date we decided to grab my Mom and go see. So before leaving on vacation with the Hughson clan for Mexico for a week (tons of fun!), my mom was pressuring us that maybe we should go to the cultural center since we think that is where we want it, to book the date. The logic being that if people have their holiday parties that weekend they may choose to rebook for the next year. So we maneuvered around our finals schedule and found a time that mom could come and look with us. We were planning to book it while we were there so we came check in hand.

We got there and met with the lady who is in charge of the events at the center. She was nice, but also a bit scatter brained and didn't feel like she really knew what was going on or what she was talking about. She informed us that she was new to the job and had only been there for a month. Which is exactly what you want to be hearing as a potential client (NOT.). Basically we learned that the space while completely usable is not where they want it to be yet. They are planning on adding some curtains and a kitchen to the building but there is no guarantee that they will be done when we use it. We aren't really too concerned about that at the moment.

What was concerning is that the cultural center did a Christmas bazaar on the weekends in December that we didn't know about and that would basically force us to do the wedding in the evening or face the no parking situation. So we left thinking crap this isnt going to work for us and what are we going to do. So we didnt use our check.

So then Thad and I got to talking and looking at dates again and came to the decision that December 2015 for that venue wasn't probably going to work if we couldn't do it on a weekend. So we decided since we like that venue so much, we are thinking we will be pushing it back to early January 2016. Which s we double checked with our East coasters will actually work really well! So everyone we were going to have to ask to fly out will still be home which is great! So now we are tentatively set for the 2nd of January.The ballroom will be free and no more holiday stuff to interfere with so it should be good.

We are a little bummed to have to now say we aren't getting married next year but the year after. In reality its only like a few weeks different, but we are so excited to get married that the other day Thad was grumbling about now having to wait longer. But we are still excited.