I (Kacy) will probably be the person who will usually be writing this blog. And I chose to make a blog mostly because I really like to have somewhere to process my thoughts and feel like I am able to spit things out somewhere. It helps me to be able to process everything that is going on. Plus, it gives me something to look back on!
When I went abroad I kept a blog everyday to help me keep track of my experience. Now it is a book that I will have for a long time to look back on. That's what I want for our wedding too. Something that when I've forgotten all the little details of our wedding I can look back and see the fun stories of all the things that happened during this exciting time. So if you are here feel free to add this page as a bookmark so you can come back to it. You can also sign up for email updates whenever I make a new post or you can remember our link name:
What is Thacy? Well that is us! Thad + Kacy = Thacy! It is our abbreviation for us as a couple. It seems much easier than having to spell out all 8 letters of our names plus a possible three letter connecting word. So much work! ;-) So we have our relationship name!
I will primarily be using this blog to update and post pictures of decorations or events or things that happen with the wedding/planning. So if you want to be entirely surprised? Leave now and never come back!!! (At least until after the wedding!) Otherwise feel free to read and comment if you like, but bear in mind this is just my own way of expressing my thoughts and keeping track of going ons!
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