Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Veil

I was really excited to have done the first round of dress shopping and it was exciting to be starting the whole process. During the gown trying on, they would periodically put on a tiara or a veil to make me like the whole thing more. It sort of worked but also made me like, really this really ugly tiara is $210? That is crazy! The one that Thad got me in Disneyland is way prettier than this and it was only like 40 bucks!

Through the process I have come to the decision that I want to make my own veil instead of buying one for a couple hundred dollars. I think it will be a bit tedious, but I like doing that kind of crafty stuff. A piece of fabric with stuff on it shouldn’t be that expensive

I looked up how hard it would be to make my own and it doesn’t seem to be too difficult. And my mom was saying even that just trying and having some failed attempts would still be cheaper than buying one. So I decided to buy some rhinestone things in my colors online and I’m going to try and make one! I looked at a few fabric stores and didn’t like the fabric election but I found out that bridal illusion is the fabric that I was looking for and couldn’t fine, and that you can find it online So once I know whether my dress will be ivory or white I can but the fabric and try it out! I think that as long as I am smart and realistic about how I go about making it, it won’t be so bad. Plus it will be a way to make my veil more personalized to our wedding and save some money!

I went to Fabric depot in Portland to find some fabric, and they actually sell pre-made veils there! They were about twenty bucks so  I figured might as well start there! So I bought one and then came home and started changing it.

I wasn't very happy with a white thread trim that it had because it made it seem more heavy where as I wanted the veil to seem really light and airy. So I cut it off so now the edge is raw and it seems lighter. I then glued on a bunch of little rhinestones that I bought on Amazon that are aqua purple, and silver. They are really small and I think just give it  little something. I bought  syringe and some glue that was recommended for fabric online, but it was pretty much the worst. I got it working but in terms of ease of use it was a real pain. I only put them on one side and only on the longer layer before I got frustrated. I didn't like how the top where it connected to the comb seemed to really puff up. So I got upset and stopped doing it. But I did take it with me to my dress appointment and got some good ideas for it. 

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